Troche danych

poniedziałek, 29 sierpnia 2016 17:28 Zakowka

Krok po kroku. Mieszam farby z olejem dla koni, impregnaty przeciwgnilne, wyprowadzilem powierzchnie pod planki, wspolnymi silami narysowalismy troche planow.



Project               : Kuter pilot.
Designer              : A. Wierzejski, J. Urban
Comment               : J. Urban digitalizowanie planow
Filename              : Zakowka 12  linia wodna.fbm

Design length         :      8.000 m
Length over all       :      8.000 m
Design beam           :      2.200 m
Beam over all         :      2.376 m
Design draft          :      0.397 m
Midship location      :      4.000 m
Water density         :      1.025 t/m^3
Appendage coefficient :     1.0000
Volume properties:
Displaced volume                            :         2.598 m^3
Displacement                                :         2.663 tonnes
Total length of submerged body              :         7.428 m
Total beam of submerged body                :         2.212 m
Block coefficient                           :        0.3979
Prismatic coefficient                       :        0.5084
Vert. prismatic coefficient                 :        0.5868
Wetted surface area                         :        16.437 m^2
Longitudinal center of buoyancy             :         4.195 m
Longitudinal center of buoyancy             :        -6.626 %
Transverse center of buoyancy               :         0.000 m
Vertical center of buoyancy                 :         0.246 m
Midship properties:
Midship section area                        :         0.688 m^2
Midship coefficient                         :        0.7826
Waterplane properties:
Length on waterline                         :         7.428 m
Beam on waterline                           :         2.212 m
Waterplane area                             :        11.141 m^2
Waterplane coefficient                      :        0.6780
Waterplane center of floatation             :         4.260 m
Y coordinate of DWL area CoG                :         0.000 m
Half entrance angle of DWL                  :        22.218 degr
Transverse moment of inertia                :         3.068 m^4
Longitudinal moment of inertia              :        32.830 m^4
Initial stability:
Vertical of transverse metacenter           :         1.427 m
Transverse metacentric radius               :         1.181 m
Longitudinal transverse metacenter          :        12.881 m
Longitudinal metacentric radius             :        12.635 m
Lateral plane:
Lateral area                                :         3.609 m^2
Longitudinal center of effort               :         3.903 m
Vertical center of effort                   :         0.000 m
Hull characteristics above waterline:
Lateral wind area                           :         6.090 m^2
Z coordinate of wind area CoG               :         0.793 m
X coordinate of wind area CoG               :         4.531 m
Distance from wind area CoG to DWL          :         1.338 m
Distance from bow (FP) to wind area CoG     :         2.526 m
Minimal board height over DWL               :         0.603 m
Minimal board height over DWL               :         7.532 %Lmax
Stability characteristics:
Test stability coefficient                  :        13.860 if >= 0,8 then OK

The following layer properties are calculated for both sides of the ship:
|          Layer          | Area    | Thickness | Weight   |  COG X  |  COG Y  |  COG Z  |
|                         |  m^2    |    mm     |   tonnes |   m     |   m     |   m     |
| Layer 0                 |  23.837 |     0.000 |    0.000 |   4.356 |   0.000 |   0.445 |
| Trapezoidal rudder NACA |   1.794 |     0.000 |    0.000 |   2.423 |   0.000 |  -0.061 |
| Quarter ellipse rudder  |   2.148 |     0.000 |    0.000 |   4.172 |   0.000 |  -0.397 |
Total                     27.778                  0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000

Attention: Weight of a ship and displacement are difference more then 10% !

Sectional areas:

| Location  | Area     |
|    m      |   m^2    |
|     0.973 |    0.000 |
|     0.425 |    0.000 |
|     0.850 |    0.000 |
|     1.275 |    0.066 |
|     1.700 |    0.193 |
|     2.125 |    0.333 |
|     2.550 |    0.455 |
|     2.975 |    0.559 |
|     3.400 |    0.621 |
|     3.825 |    0.664 |
|     4.250 |    0.697 |
|     4.675 |    0.611 |
|     5.100 |    0.525 |
|     5.525 |    0.437 |
|     5.950 |    0.343 |
|     6.375 |    0.253 |
|     6.800 |    0.173 |
|     7.225 |    0.105 |
|     7.650 |    0.051 |
|     8.401 |    0.000 |

NOTE 1: Draft (and all other vertical heights) is measured from point of the hull Z=0.
NOTE 2: All calculated coefficients based on actual dimensions of submerged body.Increase

Poprawiony: poniedziałek, 29 sierpnia 2016 22:09  
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